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Blog Posts

October 28, 2022

In 2022, 46% of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers intend to make their purchases online only, giving eCommerce stores more motivation to get ready for Black Friday.   But it's not…

October 12, 2022

Black Friday is a dangerous time for both consumers and businesses. Hackers and cyber criminals often take advantage of the chaos that is online shopping on Black Friday and launch…

October 5, 2022

Content delivery networks (CDN) are the hidden backbone of the internet. Behind every text character, image pixel and movie frame that gets delivered to your PC and mobile browser, there…

September 28, 2022

Traffic increases during the winter months, and people start searching for that perfect gift to give for Christmas from August onwards. And are a few key days where traffic is…

September 16, 2022

We receive hundreds if not thousands of work emails every year, with topics ranging from critical financial decisions to what treats have been left in the office kitchen for everyone.…

September 9, 2022

Technology is constantly evolving, and the systems that businesses rely on have regular updates, allowing them to provide you with the functions and services you need. But, sometimes, an update…

September 2, 2022

Accidents happen, hardware may fail, and downtime, all of which can affect your business, but it's a lot easier to deal with if you have a disaster recovery plan in…

August 26, 2022

When you're searching for reliable hosting for your business, it's essential to know the difference between cloud hosting and VPS hosting, so we're here to make sure you understand the…